
Showing posts from April, 2018

Day 1 forest school practical

Today began the practical part of our training and today was about coming together.  Creating through experience and sharing, a sense of community and place. Coming into training today I was reserved, I held my fights, thoughts of nay sayers, my own doubts close and expected to justify my thoughts to explain myself and to put my ideas into a context for others before we could move forward.  I didn't have to! Today I realised what it meant to be in the right place, at the right time and with the right people.  Our group is eclectic, people were there because they believe, deeply that learning in and of nature is the right and most needed form of education for our children.  We come with many experiences, much knowledge and thought but what has brought us all together in this place, as one this week is the same and for that I am truly grateful. Although there is so much about each other to get to know, there is a fundamental understanding that means that conversations flow easi